The best part of my job is seeing the wonderful creations people make on our looms. Often I'm surprised and impressed by not only the quality, but also by the imaginative projects that can be made on our looms. The work of Noreen Crone-Findlay is a great example of this. Recently, she has been using a Saffron Pocket Loom to make projects, some from her book "Innovative Weaving on the Frame Loom", and we are delighted at the magical results.
If you're interested in learning to weave and want to begin with whimsical, fun, magical projects we've partnered with Noreen to create a loom and book starter package perfect for any level weaver looking to weave fun, small weaving projects like bags, scarves and dolls.
As a bonus, Noreen is hosting a weave-along featuring the Saffron Loom for her adorable "Imagine" Banner project. You can find part one here, part two here, part three here, part four here, part five here and part six here.
Included in the Package:
-A Saffron Pocket Loom
-An Extender Rod for the Saffron Pocket Loom
-A Sandy Stand for the Saffron Pocket Loom
-"Innovative Weaving on the Frame Loom" book by Noreen Crone-Findlay
-1 Straight Bamboo Tapestry Needle
-1 3” Metal Tapestry Needle
Learn more about the package here and $5 off with code imagine through the end of September.