We are thrilled to announce a new kit and tutorial series geared towards tapestry and bead weavers looking to build their weaving skills and find design inspiration.
This series is different from our Weave-Along Series in two main ways.
First, we focus primarily on teaching technique and design and spend less time focusing on basic skills. For beginners, we'll provide links to resources to cover those topics. For example, instead of showing exactly how to warp for a particular project, we’ll discuss the basics of warping for that project and then direct you to our warping resources for more detailed instruction.
Second, these projects will be released all at once rather than in segments and available immediately to anyone who purchases the kit.
Flying Start Tutorial Series projects are geared towards all weaving levels: Beginners will find links to resources contained in the tutorial to answer questions like how to start and end wefts or how to follow a bead pattern. Those practicing their skills will get focused instruction on technique. Even experienced weavers can enjoy a kit or pattern and design inspiration.
What you’ll get with each series:
-A complete kit to make the project. These will often come with extra materials to practice the technique.
-A .PDF tutorial. This will be printable or can be viewed on a device. It will include links to additional resources.
-The email address of the tutorial creator so you can ask questions whenever you need.