If you haven't heard, Mirrix Looms turned 23 years old this month. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed, but it's true! Some of your looms are old enough to have graduated college. When do you think they'll finally settle down and give you grand-looms?
If you'd like to help us celebrate, send Mirrix a birthday message or, even better, a message alongside a picture of your loom or something you've made on your loom. We'll post select pictures and messages to Instagram and Facebook and will even read a few out loud and post the videos!
Mirrix Looms turned 23 years old this month. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed, but it's true! Some of your looms are old enough to have graduated college. When do you think they'll finally settle down and give you grand-looms?
If you'd like to help us celebrate, send Mirrix a birthday message or, even better, a message alongside a picture of your loom or something you've made on your loom. We'll post select pictures and messages to Instagram and Facebook and will even read a few out loud and post the video!
Send your birthday messages (and pictures) to customerservice@mirrixlooms.com with the subject "Happy Birthday Mirrix."
(Note: If you DO NOT want your message or image shared, please state that in your email. Otherwise, we may post your message and/or image. We will credit messages/images to you with your full name unless otherwise instructed, so let us know if you'd prefer we use initials or just your first name.)