I have a basket where all my yarn scraps go. In it is everything from silk to wool; hand-dyed, hand-spun, commercial; every color of the rainbow. The pile just keeps getting bigger because I never know what to do with scraps.
I am sure many of you have the same problem, and so today we are launching a challenge (with prizes): The Yarn Scrap Challenge!
I have a basket (okay, several) where all my yarn scraps go. In it is everything from silk to wool; hand-dyed, hand-spun, commercial; every color of the rainbow. The basket has now overflowed into two and three baskets. Ah, but I remember the origins of every last piece of scrap yarn. I know what tapestry or blanket or tiny woolen purse they exist in. I keep telling myself I am going to make something just from those leftovers, from those cast aways, from those gorgeous pieces of my fiber past.
And so today in honor of all that yarn we’ve hoarded in baskets and on shelves because their primary task in our life has been achieved, look again. Dig deep into those baskets and join us in our next Mirrix challenge complete with prizes: We’re calling it "The Yarn Scrap Challenge!"
The Challenge:
Make a woven wall-hanging (any size) using fiber scraps or (or and) even leftover beads.
How to Win:
The winner will be chosen based on the following criteria:
1.) Creativity in incorporating scraps
2.) Aesthetic of final product
3.) The story of your piece
Submissions will be due on March 1st, 2018. Please email them to elena@mirrixlooms.com with the subject "Yarn Scrap Challenge".
Submissions must include:
1.) A picture of your materials before use
2.) A picture of your piece on the loom
3.) A picture of your final piece
4.) The story of your piece and how you used your scraps, including where your scraps came from
Please post pictures on Instagram and Facebook as you go, using the hashtag #mirrixyarnscrapchallenge and #mirrixlooms. (Note: This is not required to win the grand prize, but we'd love to see your progress on social media!)
The Prizes:
The grand prize is a 12" Little Guy Loom with a shedding device or $265 towards another Mirrix loom size.
There will also be a surprise second-place prize for the person who best publicly uses social media best for this challenge, so make sure to use the hashtags #mirrixyarnscrapchallenge and #mirrixlooms and post your progress as you work.
More Details:
Any loom can be used, but project must be woven on a loom.
Mirrix Tapestry & Bead Looms Like My Mirrix Contest Official Rules
1. Eligibility: Employees, officers and directors (and their immediate families) of Mirrix Tapestry & Bead Looms, their respective parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, agencies are not eligible.
2. Open to U.S. and Canadian residents over the age of 18.
3. Grand prize winner will be chosen based on the following criteria:
1.) Creativity in incorporating scraps
2.) Aesthetic of final product
3.) The story of your piece
Runner-up will be chosen based on quality of public social media based on the following criteria:
1.) Number of public social media posts using the #mirrixyarnscrapchallenge and #mirrixlooms hashtags
2.) Quality and creativity of posts
3.) Story quality told by said posts
4. Entry Restrictions. Limit one (1) entry per person.
5. FORCE MAJEURE. If, for any reason, the contest (or any part thereof) is not capable of running as planned by reason of computer virus, bug, system malfunction, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, fire, flood, storm or other natural cataclysm, riot, strike, civil commotion, governmental regulation or any other causes beyond the control Mirrix Tapestry & Bead Looms which, in its sole opinion, corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the contest (or any part thereof), Mirrix Tapestry & Bead Looms reserves the right at its sole discretion to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the contest and select the prize winner in a manner which is fair, equitable and in accordance with these Official Rules.
6. DISPUTE RESOLUTION/GOVERNING LAW. To the fullest extent permitted by law, by participating in the contest, you agree that: (a) any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to these Official Rules or this contest shall be filed exclusively in the federal or state courts of Hillsborough County, New Hampshire and you hereby consent and submit to the personal and exclusive jurisdiction of such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action; (b) any such action shall be resolved individually, NOT as part of a class action; (c) any claims/judgments/awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred (if any), but NOT attorneys’ fees. These Official Rules and this Sweepstakes shall be governed by the internal, substantive laws of the State of New Hampshire.
7. By entering this contest, you agree that we can use your name and the image you post on our blog, in email and on social media.
8. Contest ends March 1st, 2018. Winners will be announced shortly after.