This weave-along has started. Please email elena@mirrixlooms.com if you would like to join late.
Over the holidays we launched a new kit and loom package for a weave-along that will begin in late January. We are sold out of kits and packages, but we are giving everyone a chance to sign up for the weave-along!

Students will learn:
-How to set-up and warp a Saffron Pocket Loom (Note: You can also use any other Mirrix loom size, but we will not go over warping and finishing for these.)
-The following tapestry techniques: pick and pick, slit tapestry, weaving in opposite directions, and Soumack knotting.
-How to weave from the bottom up and top down to achieve an easy-to-finish piece
-How to finish the tapestry
You will need:
-A Saffron Pocket Loom or other Mirrix loom size (see note above)
-A tapestry needle.
-Yarn. The yarn we are using is worsted weight with all three strands. We recommend our Colonial Yarn Sampler Sets in Brights and Pastels.
-Warp. We recommend Brown Sheep Wool Warp.
The weave-along will begin on January 31st.
Click here to learn more and to sign up!