Starting and ending weft threads in tapestry is very easy to do. Basically you just need to make sure that the ends of all your weft threads are on the back side of your tapestry. There are three ways to do this.
1.) If you are starting or ending a weft thread at either selvedge (edge) of the tapestry and the weft will be BEHIND the selvedge warp, you can leave the weft like that (with the tail hanging.) If you're using the shedding device, that selvedge warp thread will be raised.
2. If you are starting or ending a thread and weaving over the selvedge thread, in order to get it behind the tapestry you must make what is called a pigtail.
To make a pigtail, bring the weft behind the selvedge warp and the one next to it and then loop the end around the selvedge warp so it is pointing towards the back of the weaving.
3. When replacing a weft thread in the body of the tapestry, you will end one weft by sticking the tail to the back of the tapestry. The new weft end will be inserted one warp over as if continuing the same weft. This is the easiest and best way to replace a weft thread whether you’ve run out of a weft thread or want to replace a weft with a different color.
Keep these methods in mind for when you need to start and end weft threads!