One product we're always being asked about is a bag made specifically for Mirrix looms. Finding one to sell is harder than it looks, partly because if we endorse or sell a product we want to make sure it's high-quality, made in America and really fits the needs that weavers have for their loom bags. For that reason, we haven't had much luck finding the perfect bag. Recently, however, a customer realized that her Mini Mirrix fits perfectly in an adorable loom bag made by Carol over at CGN Brass Ring Designs on Etsy.
(Images by Susan Murry)
It got me thinking about the loom bag problem all over again and we contacted Carol to see if she'd be interested in making a bag for a larger Mirrix. To our delight, she was! She got ahold of a 16" Big Sister Loom and is working on a bag for it.
In the meantime, she made a beautiful yarn/supply storage pocket for the loom that she's selling in her Etsy shop.
I need one for myself!
She also made this, for holding cartoons behind the loom! What a great idea!
Check out Carol's shop CGN Brass Ring Designs and keep an eye out for new loom bags there!