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Made on a Mirrix Gift Guide: Submit Your Handmade Items, Classes, etc.

Made on a Mirrix Gift Guide: Submit Your Handmade Items, Classes, etc.

This year our gift guide will feature items made on a Mirrix that you, our customers, are selling this holiday season. Do you want to have your products featured?

This year our gift guide will feature items made on a Mirrix that you, our customers, are selling this holiday season. Do you want to have your products featured?

made on a Mirrix gift guide

Here are the requirements:

They have to be available online (via Etsy, your website, or even just through email/PayPal) and need to be made on a Mirrix Loom or related to Mirrix Looms (for example, classes you teach on a Mirrix or accessories you make for Mirrix Looms.)

All we'll need from you are high-quality pictures (large, in focus, simple background) and product descriptions as well as information on ordering (links, etc.)

We will be accepting a limited number of items in this guide. Please email to be considered!