![Macrame on a Mirrix Loom [Updated]](http://mirrixlooms.com/cdn/shop/articles/2017.03.15.macrame-on-a-mirrix-1_1445x.jpg?v=1593211639)
Macrame has been on my radar recently as it is experiencing a resurgence similar to tapestry. Yesterday, I came across a video showing some macrame techniques. The piece shown was being made while it was hanging on a wall and the bar it was on kept tilting back and forth. I realized as I watched that if you wanted more stability, you could make a macrame piece on a Mirrix loom’s warping bar held between the wooden clips. I decided to give it a try and had some macrame cord sent to me same-day. I have no patience when there’s a new project to be made!
[From 2016]
Macrame has been on my radar recently as it is experiencing a resurgence similar to tapestry. Yesterday, I came across a video showing some macrame techniques. The piece shown was being made while it was hanging on a wall and the bar it was on kept tilting back and forth. I realized as I watched that if you wanted more stability, you could make a macrame piece on a Mirrix loom’s warping bar held between the wooden clips.
I decided to give it a try and had some macrame cord sent to me same-day. I have no patience when there’s a new project to be made!
This morning (the cord didn’t arrive until pretty late last night) I spent some time looking at macrame tutorials and then set off to make a basic piece. The wooden clips were, as I suspected, perfect for holding the warping bar firmly in place. But as I knotted away, I realized even more advantages to knotting macrame on a Mirrix Loom.
I wove this piece on my 12″ Little Guy Loom. As I began to knot down, I realized I needed more length. Because a Mirrix is adjustable in height, that was easy.
As I got closer bottom of the loom. I thought, “I wish I could advance my weaving like you can a tapestry.” And then I realized, you CAN. I moved my warping bar and clips down a bit and swung the piece over the top beam. As I wove I could keep moving the bar down, which gave me more knotting space on the front of the loom.
To finish the piece, I replaced the warping bar with a stick and hung it on a wall.
Later, I made another macrame piece with a few little bits of weaving in it. I did the woven parts by tying the ends to the bottom beam of the loom and tightening the tension on the loom.
I’m no macrame expert (as I’m sure you can tell), but I may just be onto something here!
Have you used your Mirrix to make a macrame piece? Let us know in the comments!
Want your own Mirrix for tapestry, bead weaving and even macrame? Click here to get a free loom recommendation!