Preparing for Mirrix's 31st Weave-Along:
Some things to keep in mind:
-A weave-along is not a live event, but the project is meant to be worked on and completed in steps over the course of the weave-along. It will begin on May 16th and end the week of May 30th. If you fall behind or cannot participate in real time, that's fine. We will keep all of the resources up and available to you.
This is the weave-along schedule:
Week of May 16th: Warping
Week of May 23rd: Weaving
Week of May 30th: Finishing
-This weave-along is a mix of written instructions and video. The instructions will be sent each week as a downloadable .PDF with links. Videos will be posted to YouTube and will be linked to in the .PDF. If you don't already have one, you can download a free .PDF reader here.
-The first weave-along email will go out on the morning of Sunday, May 16th. If you do not receive the email by 10 am that day in your time zone, first check your junk mail folder for the email. Then email me and I will forward you the email and look into why you did not receive it initially.
-Need to refresh your memory about the details of the weave-along? Click here.
How to prepare:
-Get your weave-along space ready. Take out your loom and kit (if you don't have one yet, you can purchase it here) and make sure you have everything you need to get started. You can find a list of exactly what you need here.
-If you have purchased Mirrix's pre-made Texsolv heddles, they come attached to each other. To separate them (this only needs to be done once, and then heddles can be reused), cut in the center of the SMALL circle between each larger circle (which is the heddle). If you are making your own heddles, you can find instructions here. We recommend using a strong beading thread or cord if you are making your own heddles. You will need 20 heddles for this project,
-If you've never woven beads with the shedding device, we recommend checking out our Weaving Beads With The Shedding Device .PDF here and our watching our Warping for Bead Weaving video here (make sure you watch the part about the shedding device). You may even want to warp a thin practice piece before we begin!
Please let me know if you have any questions! We look forward to beginning!