This post is part of our Why a Mirrix series. Click here to see the other posts.
A Mirrix is a versatile loom, which means many people use it for many different things. From beaded jewelry to fiber tapestry wall-hangings, there is no limit to the materials and sizes and methods that people use to weave on their Mirrix Looms. Our many accessories help our customers to weave anything they want to weave in the best way possible.
The Harvey Sitting/Standing Loom Stand
This five and a half foot tripod stand holds any of our looms at six different heights. Your loom snaps on and off in an instant. A convenient tray holds tools, yarn and beads. You will be able to find the perfect loom height for you whether you want to sit or stand. This is a great alternative to using up table space and, combined with the Spencer Power Treadle, can make your Mirrix into a miniature floor loom!
A shedding device allows you to lift up half of your warp threads at a time, making weaving beads or fiber faster and easier. Adding a second shedding device to your Mirrix will allow you to use techniques in your tapestry weaving such as twill weave, basket weave and tabby weave. These fancy and fun techniques will take your tapestry weaving to the next level. You can learn more about what the shedding device does here.
This treadle allows you to easily change the shed (for tapestry weaving primarily) by pressing down on a pedal that will electronically change the shed without having to use your hands. Combine it with the Harvey Sitting/Standing Loom Stand two make your Mirrix into a miniature floor loom!
The Bottom Spring Kit is useful for keeping warp threads correctly aligned when putting on the first row of beads or for evenly spacing the warp for tapestry weaving. It is a great tool for beginners and is available for a variety of different warp coils.
This kit allows you to put on a shorter warp. In so doing you will reduce warp waste. Because it also eliminates having a layer of warp on both the front and back of the loom, it allows you to better position your hand for weaving wider pieces with the traditional method of bead weaving. It is also great for those of you who weave tapestry from the back and want to have a better view of the front of your piece from the back of the loom.
The No Warp-Ends Kit eliminates the need to weave-in warp ends when bead weaving. It can only be used without the shedding device. It is perfect for use with any kind of warp material including wire. Set up with the No Warp-Ends Kit is very easy and once you have it in place, you can weave as many pieces as you want (as long as they are the same size) using the same set-up.
The Mirrix loom extenders are ideal for people who want to weave belts, guitar straps and longer, thin pieces without having to purchase a larger loom. We have several different options for extenders depending on the loom you have.
Clip this add-on beam to the back of the bottom beam of your loom with the included C-Clamps and you increase the distance between the front and back warps by an inch and a half, providing a total of two and a half inches of space between the two layers of warp. This is perfect for those who weave wide bead pieces using the traditional method because you can easily get your hand behind the warp to hold the beads in place. It also works for tapestry weavers who want more space between the front and back warps.