There are two main ways that beads can be woven on a Mirrix Loom. The first, and the subject of this blog post, is what we refer to as the traditional method of weaving beads. It involves sewing beads onto warp threads. The second method uses a shedding device to raise half of the warp threads at a time, sandwiching the beads in between. You can learn more about the shedding device method of weaving beads here.
The traditional method of weaving beads is the same one you may have used as a child or on most other bead looms on the market.
Begin with a loom warped with one more warp thread than the number of beads you'll be weaving with. In our example, we have 19 beads.
Place those beads on a needle and then place them behind and between the warp threads. Typically this is done from left to right, but if you are left handed you could do it in the other direction.
Next, sew through the beads on top of the warp threads, being careful to not pierce the warp threads. You need to be very careful to not sew through a bead under the warp thread. After you sew through the beads check to make sure every bead was correctly sewn through and redo If you have missed any.
Pull the needle through.
Next, tie the working end of the thread to the tail, pulling so the beads are straight and taut between the warp threads.
Continue to weave in this manner, placing the beads behind and between the warp threads and then sewing through on top of the warp threads.
That's it, you're weaving beads!
Here are some more resources for bead weaving:
Weaving beads in sections on a Mirrix Loom
Starting and ending threads in bead weaving