Tiny tapestries have become a little bit of an obsession around here. They’re perfect for anyone wanting to experiment with colors, materials or design or for the more impatient-to-finish among us. Plus, the final products are adorable and perfect for gifting. Join us for our 28th weave-along and learn to make two different tiny (5" x 2.5”) wool tapestries in one of two gorgeous colorways. One tapestry will be an abstract piece using a technique called soumak and the other will be a geometric chevron design. We’ll guide you through set-up, warping, weaving and finishing both tapestries.
What's a Weave-Along?
A weave-along is a FREE online course. Claudia Chase and Elena Zuyok of Mirrix Looms will lead participants through a project woven on a loom. Every Sunday participants will get an email going over what had been worked on the week before and giving instructions and tips for the week ahead. Participants are encouraged to ask questions and engage with other members of the weave-along via email and social media sites including the Mirrix Facebook Group, Ravelry Page and on Instagram. This is a community event! Remember to use the hashtag #weavealong28 when you post.
What You’ll Learn:
-How to warp a Mirrix Loom for tapestry two ways: Continuous warping without the shedding device and warping with the Shasta Combs.
-Techniques: Soumak, weaving in opposite directions, weaving chevrons, starting and ending wefts, pig-tails, weaving lines.
-Finishing a tapestry
What You'll Need to Get Started:
-Any size Mirrix Loom with an 8 dent warp coil and/or Shasta Combs for that loom (We will show how to warp for these pieces with and without the combs, so you can choose if you'd like to use the combs for one or both pieces or not at all.)
-A weave-along 28 tiny tapestry kit (Includes 12 8-yard bobbins of 3-Ply Persian wool yarn in one of two colorways (Brights or Pastels) and 60 meters of 48 lb hemp warp.)
-A tapestry needle (we love these).
-A good pair of scissors
-A measuring tape or ruler
-A fork or tapestry beater
-An iron for steaming the finished pieces
We also have a Tiny Tapestry Kit (Weave-Along 28) and Loom Package that comes with a loom, the weave-along kit (in both colors) and a bamboo needle.
When you join the weave-along by filling out the form below, you will receive an email with a code to get 10% off of the weave-along kits (in pastels, brights or both colorways), the weave-along kit and loom package and Shasta Combs.
The Schedule:
September 18th: Weave-along launches and kits and loom packages are available for pre-order
October 14th: Kits and loom packages begin shipping
Week of October 27th: Chevron Tapestry: Set-Up, Warping & Weaving
Week of November 3rd: Chevron Tapestry: Finishing. Soumak Tapestry: Set-Up & Warping
Week of November 10th: Soumak Tapestry: Weaving & Finishing