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Tea With Noreen: All About The Lily Doll Project

tea with noreen

Join us here at Mirrix Looms for a one hour interview with Noreen Crone-Findlay about The Lily Doll Project on Sunday, February 18th, 2024 at 1 pm ET.

We will discuss the weaving project and kits, answer questions from webinar participants and Noreen will show you how easy and fun weaving a Lily Doll on a Chloe Pocket Loom can be! 

There will be giveaways during the webinar as well as a special discount for webinar participants. 

Register below and we will send you a  Zoom link on the day of the webinar.

Do you have a question you'd like Noreen to answer live during the weave-along? Send us an email ( with the subject "Tea With Noreen Question Submission."

*Recording will be available for 180 days, so sign up even if you can't make it the day of. 

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