Congratulations on your purchase! Thank you for choosing the Mirrix x Kathe Todd-Hooker Loom Package.
If this is your first Mirrix loom, welcome to our community of artists and crafters.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at
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Kathe Todd-Hooker:
Visit for information about Kathe, her books, her classes and more.
Follow her:
On Instagram: @rebeccamezofftapestry
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Note: Please visit for more on Kathe's method of warping a Mirrix Loom.
Below are instructions for the Mirrix method of warping.
Don't worry if the wooden clips on a brand-new loom don't seem to be staying in place. If you purchased a loom in the spring of 2015 or later, you may have slightly different wooden clips than pictured in some of our instructions or promotional materials. You simply need to unscrew the white plastic screws slightly, turn the screws to the back of the clips and then tighten them. Click here to see a post covering this.
(Note: If you purchased the package with an 8" Lani Loom without the shedding device, you will not have the shedding device, shedding device handle, flat wrench, Allen wrench or spring bar.)
Top Beam: The top beam of every Mirrix Loom is made of aluminum and has rounded edges.
Bottom Beam: The bottom beam of every Mirrix Loom is made of aluminum and has rounded edges. Looms size 28″ and larger have double bottom beams for strength.
Copper Side Bar: Each loom has copper side bars.
Threaded Rod: Threaded rod that fits into the copper side bars allows you to adjust the height of your loom and tighten the tension.
Wing-Nut: Wing-nuts are used to adjust the tension on your warp and the height of your loom.
Warp Coil Tray: This tray (which is not on the Mini Mirrix or Sam Loom) holds your springs/warp coils in place at the top of the loom.
Wooden Clip: Wooden clips (not on the Mini Mirrix or Sam Looms) have two functions: To hold your warping bar when warping and to (optionally) hold the shedding device.
Fold-Out Leg: These legs fold-out to allow your loom to stand steadily on any flat surface. The Mini Mirrix does not have legs, the Lani Loom has one and the rest have two.
Shedding Device: This device raises warp threads to make weaving tapestry or beads faster and easier. It comes standard on all looms 16″ and larger, but does not have to be used.
Shedding Device Handle: This handle operates the shedding device. It can be replaced by an electric treadle if you are weaving tapestry.
Warp Coil: Warp coils (also called springs) space your warp threads. Choose different warp coils depending on the size or thickness of the beads or warp and weft you are using.
Warping Bar: This bar is what your warp gets tied to when warping. It also helps you to ‘advance’ your weaving to the back of the loom for more weaving room. This bar is not used for the “easy warp” method of warping.
Allen Wrench: This wrench loosens and tightens the bars on the shedding device.
Flat Wrench: The flat wrench is helpful for tightening and loosening the wing-nuts.
Click here to join the course. It's free!
In this course, we’ll go over:
-Warping and set-up for tapestry, bead weaving and combining beads and fiber
-The basics of weaving tapestry
-The basics of weaving beads
-The basics of combining beads and fiber
-Great kits and projects for beginners
-Accessories and extras to get the most out of your loom
And much more!