Not sure how to enter a Mirrix Looms coupon code?
First, check the description of the discount that you are using to see if you can click a link to have the discount automatically applied. That's the easiest way to enter a code!
On Desktop:
-Click into your shopping cart in the top right corner of our website.
-Check the box to agree to our terms and conditions
-Click "PLACE YOUR ORDER" (Do not click one of the quick checkout options: ShopPay, PayPal, etc.)
-On the right side of your screen you'll see the items in your order listed. Below that there is a white box that says "gift card or discount code." Paste or type your code into that box and click "apply."

On a Mobile Device:
-Click into your shopping cart in the top right corner of our website (the bag icon.)
-Check the box to agree to our terms and conditions
-Click "PLACE YOUR ORDER" (Do not click one of the quick checkout options: ShopPay, PayPal, etc.)
-Type in your contact information and shipping address and then click "continue to shipping"
-Confirm your shipping and click "continue to payment"
-Below your contact and shipping information, you'll see a white box that says "gift card or discount code." Paste or type your code into that box and click the arrow.